Articles on intelligence testing
© Paul Cooijmans
General articles on I.Q. testing and on thereto related statistics
I.Q. and real-life functioning
I.Q. development with age modelled
What high-range tests measure
Statements on intelligence
Signs of low intelligence
Beware of megalomaniacs
Sex differences in intelligence
Extended intelligence scale
Why "I.Q." is spelt with periods
Robustness, validity and reliability
expectations — In the study of high-range mental testing
Why quoting percentages of I.Q.'s betrays incompetence
Interpretation of childhood I.Q.
Correlation and causality
Perverted uses of intelligence
Ability types measured by high-range tests
The size of the vocabulary disadvantage in a non-native language
Reasons to avoid the term "gifted"
I.Q. and real-life functioning - Japanese version
I.Q. and real-life functioning - Japanese version (2)
Hyper references related to scientists and philosophers, some of whom active in the field of intelligence
Articles related to high-range I.Q. test construction and norming
Recommendations for conducting high-range intelligence tests
Pitfalls for high-range psychometricians
Norming of high-range I.Q. tests
Issues in the norming of high-range tests
Reasons to express I.Q. with a standard deviation of 15
On the relative weight of item types in a mixed-item test
Test-related statistics explained in more detail
Articles related to I.Q. societies and their admission policies
The location of the 99.9
Individualism: the plague of the high-I.Q. community
(on other web site)
On the admission of psychologists
(on other web site)
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